Search results for Scripts And Utilities

Auto Populating Financial News Feed

I own a financial news website. We publish organic content daily. I would like to have a system that scans the web for recent news from publicly traded companies. The system would then reformat the news/copy into a pre-determined templet designed for my website. Then automatically publish on my website and or notify my writers so they can add some content/images/charts and then publish to my site.
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Clean Up Scrapper In Python

I am looking for a Python developer to clean up a scrapper created recently. The developer bailed when we reviewed his work and noticed some issues and refused to fix. Our last tech job to post on Upwork. It logs into a site, grabs the bearer token then makes an APIi call to download a file and upload into our SharePoint site. We need the request updated to the correct object and field. We also need the error alert corrected.…
Full Description of Clean up scrapper in Python

Subtitles And Close Captions Creation For 35 Short Episodes

Description: We are looking for a skilled freelancer to create Subtitles and Close Captions for a series of 35 episodes, each with a duration of approximately 5 minutes. The project will be divided into batches of 10 episodes for smoother workflow and regular feedback. As a starting point, we will provide script files with time codes and dialogues for each episode, making the process faster and more efficient. Key Responsibilities: • Prepare accurate and properly synchronized Subtitles and Close Captions…
Full Description of Subtitles and Close Captions Creation for 35 Short Episodes

Computer Programmer Specialist/simple Writing

Hello I need a freelancer who can handle specific project. If interested contact our ASST staff on telegram below: @georgegrey2
Full Description of Computer programmer specialist/simple writing

Deploy Rails 7 App With Sidekiq Background To AWS

I need help with deploying a rails 7 app using sidekiq for background jobs to AWS. Should deploy 2 types web and workers servers separately. With autoscale for each type of server. The web server should have it's own autoscaling group. The deploy command should deploy code to both types of servers at once. The web server should have a rolling deployment strategy.
Full Description of Deploy Rails 7 app with Sidekiq background to AWS

Dev Script - To Extract Data From App

I am looking for an app script to extract data from an app that in development. The objective is to obtain a TXT file of the orders created by the customers.
Full Description of Dev Script - to extract data from app

Developer For GPT-3 API Integration And Interface

Description: We are looking for a skilled developer to create a user interface for uploading Microsoft Word documents to GPT-3 through an API. The files to be uploaded will be large, with a maximum size of 5MB or more. The developer will need to be familiar with the OpenAI GPT-3 API and have experience working with large file sizes and the potential difficulties that can arise with uploading and processing them. The developer should also be familiar with token rate…
Full Description of Developer for GPT-3 API integration and Interface

Google Doc Expert

I have google document and would like to add one function in the google document. I will provide google doc to candidate. Please contact me if you can help me. Thanks.
Full Description of Google Doc Expert

Hiring Developer

I am looking for a Developer with experience in the following areas and skillsets:. ✸ Laravel, Codeigniter, PHP, Node ✸ CSS/CSS3, Html/Html5, Bootstrap, Javascript, jQuery ✸ MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firebase ✸ 3 yrs+ experience ✸ Strong communication skills ✸ Database Modeling ✸ Statistical Computing ✸ Understanding of data models and the relationship between it and it's processes within the system ✸ AWS (EC2, CloudFront, Lambda, Load Balancing, S3, RDS, Route53) ✸ React.js, Node.js, Angular, Ionic, React Native ✸ Python, Django,…
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Linux C++/bash/sh Developer

Hello We need a person who experienced in following -Linux Ubuntu/RHEL -Bash/sh, partially perl, c++ experience, partially PHP -Linux kernel, GPU drivers -Linux OS overall experience 2-3+ years -JSON, SQL -Networking, tunnels Candidate has to help me build OS for mining rigs, must sign NDA.When you are applying please send me your previous work, examples or any prove of work that you know what i am talking about. Must be speaking good english and fluent russian, but not mandatory. Don't…
Full Description of Linux c++/bash/sh developer

Linux C++/NVML Or GO/NVML Developer

Hello We need a person who experienced in following -Linux Ubuntu/RHEL -Bash/sh partially, partially perl, c++ experience or GOlang experience at least 1-2 years -Linux kernel, GPU drivers -Linux OS overall experience 2-3+ years -Understanding hardware processes -Experience with NVML is very common Developers from India or bungladesh please DO NOT APPLY!!!! don't waste your time! Candidate has to help us build tool for managmenet NVIDIA Cards thru NVML, must sign NDA. When you are applying please send me your…
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Looking For A Scraper Who Can Scrap Mobile App

I am looking for someone who has experience in scraping mobile apps. I will share the details with shortlisted bidders. Please show me proof of doing something similar before.
Full Description of Looking for a scraper who can scrap mobile app

Looking For Web Developer To Show Me How To Pull Data From A Website

Hi, I'm looking for somebody to show me how to pull my fantasy football data off of a website and compile it into a spreadsheet. I'm looking to pull all the data from the league so that I can make better trades. It seems like the data should be easy to access. If you apply, please mention the number "0287" in your response so I know you read the description above. Thanks. Look forward to speaking with you more. Thanks!
Full Description of Looking for web developer to show me how to pull…

Lucon Investments

I am a widow that suffering from coronavirus, i have inherited funds from my late husband which i want you to invest.
Full Description of lucon investments

Matlab Code

I need some help to apply an available Matlab code (will be shared with the freelancer) related to K-L expansion
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