I am expert multilevel marketing all type selling products
Herbal product
All product for human use and benefit to health
And advice all type diseases for treatment home made incregent
Aurveda product WhatsApp no +919314248818 tx Full Description of Multilevel marketing
Hi I am Jaswinder singh . I am Full stack Developer. I have 11 highly Experience & Educational Developers. We works with you to create a site tailored to the unique needs of your customers and business. We are experts in leading Technologies, frameworks and CMS. Our high-quality team will empower you to stay ahead of competition. We are always incorporated in offering gamut of IT software solutions like . web design and development, mobile application development, Enterprise Application services and… Full Description of Who want Website with Admin Panel in 399$
I have a website in progress, the website itself should be finished soon but the main developer is very busy and I need someone to do the job instead of him. I'm not really tech-savvy when it comes to website development, we already have the design and database. The website is an e-commerce website, focusing on selling digital books in Indonesia. We prefer Indonesian or English speaker who can work 1 day/week on every Wednesday or Thursday. I attached the… Full Description of I need help on website development (PHP vanilla with bootstrap)
I I want to do part time job in Data Entry field basically i do work in firm and mentioned below my work as per requirement. Able to multitask by answering phones, Full Description of Om sai RAM
We are looking for a technical content writer to write quick guides for electronic products into 2 languages: English & German. Most of the quick guides to be rewritten are focused on basic steps of setting the product to become functional. The quick guides must contain details and technical information. Full Description of Technical Writer for Quick Guides – electronic products
Ideally, we would collaborate on this using moqups to help build out designs for developers to work off of. Sections of the app include: Admin Workflow User Workflow Reporting Workflow Partner Login and Workflow Vendor Login and Workflow Full Description of UI/UX Designer for Web App
Kind of a kick starter to help pay for streaming equipment for video gaming, to help pay for my fiance's medical transportation and other various needs. Full Description of Entertainment
Hello, we need a graphic designer that will modify my company LOGO, to a modern design. Feel free to download the previous LOGO so you will have a great picture of what the job will be like and also design marketing banner for my company for both online and offline adds. We already have draft for how the LOGO and banner will look like. Full Description of Company Logo and Banner
Hi, I need a long term partner who can work with me. You need to be a fluent English speaker. Natives are welcome. Only American, Canadian, European please. Full Description of Long term Partnership