I have a good idea for my blog site. So I want to discuss more about it with expert guy. So I will choose them on here. thank you Full Description of Service IT
I have a blog site and I want to change something on the site so that I need your help for my blog site. you need to know English. Please send me a message so that we can discuss more. thank you Full Description of Support IT
I have a website and I have upload the site in server but the site is not working in response/server, So I am looking for someone that can help me. you need to know English. I will share all the details via chat. Full Description of Fix Issues in my website
I have a idea for my blog so that I want to discuss with someone that can help me. I will share all the details via chat. Thank you Full Description of Sevice for IT
hi there, I am looking to work only with SEO experts (who are bloggers & content writers) Please provide answers to these questions: 1. Do you have any samples (blog posts and emails) around local SEO or blogging SEO related topics (or anything SEO relevant)? 2. How much do you charge for crafting a 2,000-word article vs. a 300-word email? 3. Do you offer any discount for a bulk order of 10 blog posts or 10 emails? If yes, how… Full Description of SEO expert (blogger & content writer)
I am offering my services as data entry clerk having an experience of more than 10 years using different MS office programs. I can complete your project within 2 buisness days with 2 additional revisions. Regards Noor Full Description of Fast Data Entry Clerk
A Simple Data Enrty In Excel With Some Of Our Client Names And Their Details Filled In Excel With Our Clients Name Alphabeticaly. Full Description of Data Entry In Excel
I can research & collect almost any Business categories database in any country from Websites/Google/any directory sites including Yellowpages/Google Maps/Bing Maps/Yahoo local/Social media like Google+/Facebook/LinkedIn etc. I’ll provide the full details of the company as you want Your satisfaction is my success. So I’ll try to satisfy you 100% and make a long-term relationship with you. My service includes: ✔ Data entry from websites to Excel ✔ Data entry from PDF files to Excel ✔ Data entry from image files… Full Description of data entry typing work in excel and web research
Hello, freelancers! We need to develop ecommerce web application. So we are looking for a talented Website designer. We will check every one and hire 2+ freelancers. Please don't hesitate to contact us. Thanks & Regards Full Description of Website Designer Needed
Hi, everyone please check this link youtube.com/watch?v=WjQhyRX0ag8 I need a professional logo please check this link I'm waiting please check this link Full Description of Need poster
Hello, guys. We have a web application needed to test urgently. If you have a basic knowledge of Website dev, Html, css, , then It would be a plus. Don't hesitate to contact us. Thanks & Regards Full Description of Web application Testers needed!