Questa è una delle tante analisi di statistica aziendale elaborata dallo studio. Obiettivo di questa analisi è ricercare il prezzo migliore per ottimizzare campagne di marketing, la propria competitività e reddittività aziendale rispetto la concorrenza. Full Description of Esempio Ricerca Prezzo Ottimale
I’m looking for someone to build an automation software for VSCO (a social media and photo-sharing app). The software would automatically follow accounts listed under “suggested” on the app (people the app suggests you follow). Preferably, it would also have the ability to automatically send a message to anyone who follows back. For reference, similar software exists for Instagram that automatically follows users: . I’m looking for auto-follow software for VSCO. This could come in the form of an… Full Description of Auto-follow software for VSCO
We need a PHP bot developer The workflow: 1) You are getting pre define users (USERNAME + PASSWORDS) 2) The bot connects to a forum using Tor Browser. 3) Bot sending a private message with our marketing advertisement to each user who create a message. 4) Bot scans every X mins for a new message and repeat paragraph 5) The source code should be easy to read. Full Description of Bot Developer
I need immediately a website that will serve as - Phones and Computer Users forum. I am thinking of a site that will run like , but just for mobile Phones and personal Computers users in Nigeria. On the website, we will offer weekly Phones and Computer Users diverse Trivia and Quizes for membership points and prizes. Points can be accumulated for outright wins of items on sale or used to get discounts on Phones and Computers as… Full Description of Develop a Website
I am building a database of lenders in the United States, and is about 75% complete. However, I have added some new fields, and would like help filling in the previous gaps and the newly added fields. While some of the research is simple copy paste or entering yes/no, there are a few fields that will require a bit more investigation and a better handle on the terminology (that I'm happy to explain to you). This is a one time… Full Description of Detailed research on student loans
The focus of our company is Microsoft Dynamics CRM (now called Dynamics 365) consulting and support. We help companies’ rollout, develop and maintain the software. For the best fit, we need someone to assist our team with tasks like: Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Developer Required Skills • Must be an expert user of Dynamics CRM and have the ability to customize it with ease. • Ability to be both analytical and strategic with a good understanding of business processes, practices,… Full Description of Dynamics 365 CRM Developer
I am looking for someone able to write an article in perfect french - at least 500 words - It should be interesting and nice to read (user-centric) - Be writen in French with excellent syntax, grammar and spelling (don't apply if you don't have perfect/native french) - It should be 100% unique and copyscape safe - seo optimised - You give us total rights on this article and won't re-use it in any way You should be quick in… Full Description of French writer - test job
Required argent basic acedemic writer for assignment rate 20ppw
Having experience and plagiarism Free with grammarly check
Completed project within a day Full Description of Acedemic writer needed
Must have equipment and skills. We have hourly project and per lead project. Beginners are much welcome. Just message me here. Thank you. Full Description of Home Based Sales Agents
Looking to have : CRM integration with Email Autoresponder + Events, & Fulfillment, Pass data from funnels to CRM, add unique domain paths Full Description of MEK - Campaign Management