We are URGENTLY looking for an expert for help with Civil Engineering work. Description and details of the work: Field of study: Civil engineering Topic of work: Reconstruction of a sewer in an inhabited residential building. Number of pages: 25 Price: 850 Euro We guarantee: - High hourly rates; - Convenient working hours: Home work, flexible working hours, part-time work; - constant support for organisational and other questions (we are available 7 days a week from 9 am to 6… Full Description of We are URGENTLY looking for an expert for help with…
We are URGENTLY looking for an expert to help us with our work in Business Management. Write the work in German. Description and details of the work: Type of work: project work. Field of study: Business Management. Topic of work: This is a project work in risk management. Here, questions are to be worked out on the basis of the annual report of Fresenius. The programmes 'Strategy Navigator' and 'Risk Simulator' are to be used. Number of pages: 5. Price:… Full Description of We are URGENTLY looking for an expert to help with…
Beschreibung und Angaben zur Arbeit: Arbeitstyp: VWA (Vorwissenschaftliche Arbeit) Fachrichtung: Bauingenieurwesen Thema der Arbeit: Neuherstellung eines Kanals in einer bewohnten Wohnhausanlage. Seitenanzahl: 25 Preis: 850 Euro Wir garantieren: · hohe Stundensätze; · Angenehme Arbeitszeiten: Heimarbeit, flexible Arbeitszeiten, Teilzeitarbeit; · ständige Unterstützung bei organisatorischen und sonstigen Fragen (wir sind 7 Tage die Woche von 9 bis 18 Uhr erreichbar); · ein stetiger Strom von Aufträgen: jeden Tag kommen über 40 neue Aufträge hinzu; · Unterstützung für jede/n Expertin/en; · Absolute Anonymität.… Full Description of Wir suchen DRINGEND einen Experten für Hilfe bei der Arbeit…
Guten Tag! Was wir anbieten: - Fernarbeit; - freie Arbeitszeiten; - laufende Unterstützung bei organisatorischen und arbeitsbezogenen Fragen; - viele regelmäßige Aufträge. Anforderungen - Hochschulbildung; - Einhaltung von Fristen. Wir sind schon gespannt auf Ihre Bewerbung! Full Description of Wirtschaftswissenschaftler (BWL/VWL)
Write a short article (without abstract )of 900-1000 words(Excluding reference word count ) considering all the traits of good academic writing Full Description of Write a short article
We are looking for multiple candidates who possess strong writing and research skills to join our growing company as Content Writers. This role focuses on developing engaging written and visual content for our website and is a key part of growing our business. At the moment we are looking to collaborate with two content writers that will work on the same project. 1. One writer will write and cover all the articles that are related to Real Swords History around… Full Description of Write Articles about History, Movies, and Swords
Writing a scientific article in the direction of Education followed by your publication of this article in the 3rd quarter in a journal with which you work or have an interaction. We are looking for an author who can write a scientific article in the direction of "Education", and then publish it in the 3rd quarter in the journal with which he works or has interaction. Themes: (you can choose one) 1. «WAYS TO ENHANCE STUDENTS' LEARNING ACTIVITIES IN THE… Full Description of Writing a scientific article followed by publication